By Kurt Mahler

An ode to renowned Lebanese sculptor Elias el-Melky, who passed on 26 April 21, age 98. A reflection on the man according to the photo of him featured courtesy of his daughter Noel Melky Helou.

I see them where no eye has yet fallen
I hear them sing their serenades of love
I free them, captives of the quarried marble
I lead them to the world of sun and dove

Heed now, oh ancient silent monolith
Brought forth from deep within the heart of earth
My hands point chisel and tooth chisel wielding
Disclose from you your secret gift and worth

And when the sun has set upon my fingers
When tools and work bench silent by me lie
Behold their voice of truth and love still lingers
In echoed Song of Songs that cannot die!

Reveal them, oh flat and rondel chisel!
Redeem them from the prison yard of stone!
Adorn them, rasp and grinder, with their beauty!
Awake them, school of hammers, to their home!

© Kurt Mӓhler

More works by Elias el Melky, presented by his daughter Noel Melky Helou.

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  1. An exquisite poem knitted with threads of finesse, molded with a congenial touch, and presented by sincere feelings following our God-arranged meeting.
    Hearty thanks to you dear poet Kurt.

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